James Ferrel

My wife when she was quite young was trapped in a jam-packed bus. After a time of being crushed and suffocated, she cried out. 'Please, please --let the people live!" My wife is an extraordinary person. She has always sought the truth, often at great costs and hardship. It has been my joy in life to support her where I could as she grew and developed in wisdom and kindness, as a great aide to those who struggle. She is a true Christian in every sense of the word.

Myself, I have a lot to learn. Lately, her childhood phrase rings with all kinds of significance. Jesus said, "I come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). My wife's childhood statement was a plea to God, and marked a path of lifelong dedication to lead people to Jesus, which is the one true source of life. As a branch to the vine, there is no life unless we are part of Him. Her statement was not passive-she did not say "let the people live", but pleaded that they might find and pursue living for themselves. She is an active agent that leads all to Christ.

I hope to do the same, not only through supporting her but by being my own voice and example, to be an ever-present reminder of the gift of Christ, of His dedication and love for us. That in some small way, I can point to Life so that people can live. I read the Gospels when I was 12. At that time, I knew that Jesus was God with us, and that his path was the only true path. More often than not I was on that path. But, I am now with renewed vigor to reach the destination--to truly be with Him.

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