Testify of Christ Prayer-Roll

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matt 21:22

What is a Prayer-Roll?

The Testify of Christ prayer-roll is a list of individuals who are sick, afflicted or otherwise burdened whom we ask Christians to pray for, similar to a prayer request . We invite you to submit names of those you would like to include in this worldwide effort as we unitedly call upon the Lord in faith to bless and heal them.


Praying the Prayer-Roll

Although names on the Testify of Christ prayer-roll are kept confidential for privacy reasons, a simple heart-felt prayer on behalf of the entire group will be received as if praying for each person individually. Your prayer can be given at any time, alone or with others.

Here is a simple prayer example: "Dear God, I am praying for those whose names are on the Testify of Christ prayer-roll, and ask you to bless them according to their needs. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

Remember that in prayer, it is not the exact words that are spoken, but the faith of the ones offering the prayer that matters most.

Names will remain on the prayer-roll until the end of the current month, at which time a new prayer-roll is created. You are welcome to re-submit names each month.

Add Names to the Prayer-Roll


Today’s Testimonies